The Watford Knight's Fee is now published and available for purchase. Listed below are the websites of outlets where purchases can be made.
This print edition is available as POD (Print on Demand). This means an order goes to the printer upon your purchase, the book is printed, then dispatched to your address. An ebook edition is also available.
In the USA: Go to either or BN.Com (Barnes & Noble) and search for "The Watford Knight's Fee" in the book department of Amazon or on the front page of BN.COM. Click on the book name, and complete your purchase.
In the UK: Go to or and search for "The Watford Knight's Fee".
Or, go to and in the book department search for "The Watford Knight's Fee". For an alternate seller on Amazon UK, look directly under the box with "Paperback £12.87" and click on "x new from £x.xx". You may then choose from any of the other companies who offer the book "in stock" - for example, "Book Depository".
In Canada or Australia: In Canada, go to, or in Australia go to and search for "The Watford Knight's Fee", and place your order.